Applications for 2023 Anzac Day Trust Grants Program now open

26 April 2023

The McGowan Government is encouraging veterans' and ex-service organisations in Western Australia to apply for the 2023 Anzac Day Trust Grants Program.

  • Applications for the Anzac Day Trust Grants Program are now open
  • McGowan Government provides up to $1.3 million to veterans' and ex-service organisations annually through the grants program
  • In 2022, 12 veterans' and ex-service organisations received a total of $1.29 million to deliver a range of services

Run annually, the grants program provides funding for initiatives that deliver tangible benefits to WA veterans and their families.

In 2023, the McGowan Government has maintained its annual contribution of $1.3 million to the Anzac Day Trust that will be made available as grants. This delivers on our 2021 election commitment to increase the State Government's funding contribution to the Anzac Day Trust by $1 million per year.

The increased funding has provided ex-service organisations greater financial security to implement projects over multiple years.

Last year, 12 organisations received grants of up to $380,000 to enable a range of services including financial counselling, social connection programs, recreational programs and commemorative activities.

RSLWA and Working Spirit received nearly $750,000 across two rounds of grant funding to run their Veteran Employment Program. In 2022, the first year of operation, this program achieved 112 placements.

This partnership has also been focusing on developing a portal to link job-seeking veterans with employers. On 24 April the Transition Employment Portal went live for employers, allowing them to directly access veterans seeking employment.

Applications for the 2023 Anzac Day Trust Grants Program are now open and close on 30 June, 2023. For more information and to apply, visit


Comments attributed to Veterans Issues Minister Paul Papalia:

"The veteran community is a robust, resilient and invaluable resource for the people of Western Australia.

"The Anzac Day Trust Grants Program offers an opportunity for the veteran community to support one another and to assist Australian Defence Force personnel and their families' transition from ADF service to civilian life.

"The increase in funding for the Anzac Day Trust Grants Program to $1.3 million has already delivered substantial outcomes for the veteran community.

"The certainty of funding that this increase provides ex-service organisations allows them to focus on delivering for veterans."


Minister's office - 6552 5600