Major policing boost to tackle youth crime in the regions

11 May 2023

Police officers and operational assets will continue to be made available to respond to communities experiencing youth crime as part of an $11.7 million boost in the 2023-24 State Budget.
  • $11.7 million allocated in 2023-34 State Budget to extend Operation Regional Shield
  • Successful initiative enables additional police to be rapidly deployed to any part of regional WA
  • Police strike team aims to crack down on youth offending


Operation Regional Shield delivers an ongoing, flexible response to combat youth offending in regional Western Australia.

The police strike team is made up of specialist officers from the Regional Operations Group and Regional Investigations Unit, with additional support from the Police Air Wing, Canine Section and State Intelligence Portfolio.

Staff are deployed predominantly on two or three-week rotations and can be placed anywhere within WA based on operational need.

For more information, visit


Comments attributed to Police Minister Paul Papalia:

"Regional Shield allows for the fast deployment of a police strike team to regional WA when and where it's needed.

"This targeted crackdown on youth crime is having real results apprehending offenders, bringing them to justice and helping to keep the community safe.

"This funding boost will see regional WA continue to benefit from additional police resources."

Minister's office - 6552 5600