Media Releases

AUKUS Chiefs of Navy to meet in Western Australia for Defence Conference

11 March 2024

Western Australia's growing defence importance has been made clear, with the Chiefs of Navy for the three AUKUS nations to attend the Indian Ocean Defence and Security conference in Perth.

New WA Police Force State Operations Command Centre now active

22 February 2024

Western Australia's new State Operations Command Centre has officially opened, providing enhanced management, tactical intelligence and technical capability to support frontline officers and agency staff throughout the State.

Cook Government's historic firearm laws enter WA Parliament

21 February 2024

The largest overhaul of firearms laws in Western Australia's history enters Parliament today following years of extensive consultation with licence holders, industry stakeholders and the broader public.

Firearm buyback to support historic Cook Government reform

14 February 2024

Western Australia's firearm buyback compensation scheme will commence on Wednesday, 21 February 2024 as the Cook Government introduces the toughest firearm laws in the country to the WA Parliament.

Gaming house busts send strong message to illegal operators

14 February 2024

Coordinators and competitors involved in illegal gambling outfits are being warned of the serious consequences they could face if caught breaking Western Australia's gaming laws.

Western Australia to host World Police and Fire Games

01 February 2024

The Cook Government has secured hosting rights for the 22nd edition of the World Police and Fire Games.

Operation Regional Shield to protect Kalgoorlie-Boulder

29 January 2024

The number of police officers and other operational assets patrolling the Goldfields has surged as part of the Cook Government's response to concerns surrounding antisocial behaviour.

Cook Government enhances WA Police marine capability

25 January 2024

Western Australians are set to benefit from increased WA Police Force resources, following the delivery of a new 7.6 metre diesel powered jet boat, funded by the Cook Government.

Unclaimed winnings to tackle gambling harm and improve WA

19 January 2024

Three organisations dealing with gambling harm are among 14 community projects in Western Australia that have received financial support via a Cook Government fund of unclaimed winnings from casino gaming and wagering.

Cook Government to deliver Broome youth safety pilot program

18 January 2024

The Cook Government has taken a major step towards delivering a vital Immediate Response Night Space service for young people in Broome.